Second Trimester Pregnancy Update

Second Trimester Pregnancy Update


Hello Darling!

I can’t believe that I am already writing my Second Trimester pregnancy update and overview. It is so crazy to me that in just two months our sweet baby girl will be here! Time has flown by so fast! My second trimester ended a few weeks ago, so I thought it was time to give you an update on how the trimester, weeks 14-26 were. From symptoms, favorites products I have been using and more.

Second Trimester Pregnancy Update

Now I want to start by saying and I know you already know this but, every pregnancy is different. My hope is that this update would not be used to compare but rather to help encourage, and provide helpful resources and information.

Bye Bye To First Trimester Yuckiness

I am so happy to begin by saying that my second trimester was much smoother than the first. You may remember back to my first trimester update and sharing that it was pretty rough. Constant nausea, extreme fatigue, and the craziest food aversions/ cravings. About a month into my second trimester is when that all thankfully went away! I began to regain energy, and feel like a human again. For the majority of my first trimester any and all healthy food sounded awful. Now this is extremely strange for me as I am a fairly healthy eater majority of the time. Once I entered into my second trimester though, my daily green smoothies started to sound appetizing again and I was SO happy!

New Craving

A new craving that I gained within my second trimester was blue berries. I have not been about to get enough of them! Hunter jokingly likes to say I eat blue berries like a black bear- and he is not kidding. We go through at least two to three cartons per week. Hey, at least they are healthy right? 😉

Weight Gain & Belly Popped

Because I was so sick during my first trimester I really did not have much weight gain. In fact, I actually lost a little bit of weight. However, I made up for that during my second trimester. After finally starting to feel better- and I am sure all the yummy food we ate during the holidays/ travels I gained the weight that was recommend to me by my doctor. On average I gained 1-2 pounds a week. Around week 20 and 21 is when my belly really popped and it has not stopped growing since.

Travel During Second Trimester

Second trimester is when we knocked out all of our travels. We knew that when third trimester hit we would be nesting, resting and getting ready for baby girl to be here. I truly did not have any issues traveling during this time. From Chicago, New York City to our Euro Babymoon I was able to comfortably enjoy it all. I will say, Hunter definitely had to remind me to get off my feet every once and awhile. Besides having to take a few naps and needing to go to bed a bit earlier, for the most party I felt myself. I of course consulted my doctor on all of my travels during this time and was give a yes to travel to all of these destinations.

Emotions During Second Trimester

To be honest, there were a lot of emotions during my second trimester. From randomly needing to cry to feeling super down and lonely. I have always struggled with anxiety and depression and I knew this would probably be something that I struggled with during pregnancy as well. Between the hormonal changes, body changes, and overall life changes that pregnancy brings there is a lot going on. I made sure to communicate regularly about these things with my doctor, my family and trusted friends. Having a support group during pregnancy is key! It’s important to know that you are not alone and that it is okay to feel the things you are feeling. Don’t ever feel bad about your emotions- especially during pregnancy. ( Speaking to myself 😉 )

Products I Have Loved & Used During Second Trimester

Overall second trimester was a great trimester! Because of this trimester landing right in the middle of the holidays, it went by extremely fast! I am thankful for an overall happy and healthy second trimester! If you have any questions for me, let me know in the comments below.




Meet Tayler

A southern girl sharing life as a new mom, fashion, home, family and travel

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