My Pregnancy Must-Haves & Second Trimester Update

My Pregnancy Must-Haves & Second Trimester

Hello Darling!

I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. I am currently 30 weeks and excitedly awaiting this little girls arrival. There are so many items I have used this pregnancy that have truly been such a blessing. So today, I thought I would share my pregnancy must-haves and share a little bit about my second trimester.

Second Trimester Update

Second trimester was MUCH better than my first. Just as I did with Isla the day I entered into my second trimester all nausea went away- PRAISE JESUS! For the most past it was smooth sailing, very little fatigue and I pretty much felt back to my normal self, only with a growing belly. I have laughed several times with friends that this pregnancy I honestly have forgotten that I am pregnant. Though my belly is growing and I can feel her sweet kicks daily, I have not had the time to sit and think about it as much the way I did with my first. I guess that is what happens when you have a toddler to chase around. 😉

In a way I have been thankful for the distraction. Though second trimester went fairly smoothly I did start to have some concerning bleeding around 19 weeks. This is something I had not experienced before which caused as I am sure you can understand, lots of anxiety. We were able to pin point exactly where the bleeding was coming from and rule out any risk to baby or myself. However, the bleeding lasted for a little over a month. Not fun at all but I am grateful for a growing, healthy and happy baby.

I am not going to lie, this pregnancy has pushed me to grow in ways I did not expect. I have had to completely surrender to the fact that I am not in control and praise Jesus that He is. As someone who is a tad type A and likes to have control over situations this has been hard but freeing. I am grateful that the Lord hold my girls in His hands because that is the best place they can possibly be.

My Pregnancy Must-Haves

My Pregnancy Must-Haves & Second Trimester

These are the items I have used throughout my entire pregnancy and absolutely love!

Compression Socks– These knee- high Comrad socks have been truly a God send. Especially with the unwanted varicose veins that have popped up this time around.

Smocked Nap Dress– These smocked nap dresses have become essential thoughout my pregnancy and I know will carry into postpartum. Super comfy, cute and light weight throughout the warm summer months.

Stanley Tumbler– I get the hype now. I have loved having this tumbler to stay on top of my hydration. The best part about the Stanley Tumbler in my option is that fact it fits in your cars cupholder. Genius!

Sleep & Glow Pillow– I received this pillow at the beginning of my second trimester and it quickly became a fave. Not only has it helped with neck pain but it has also helped keep my hair and skin looking healthy.

Expecting Weekly Prayer Book– This book is something I read throughout my first pregnancy and loved! I decided to read it again this time around and I am so grateful for it. It prayers over the development of your baby each weeks, explains what is going on in that tummy of yours, and gives you encouraging Bible verses to read.

Dry Brush– I started dry brushing postpartum with Isla and have kept it in my nightly self-care routine since. With so many benefits like smoothers skin, and promoting lymphatic drainage. Great while pregnant!

Red Light– Red light therapy it also something I started postpartum with Isla and have not gone back since. There are SO many benefits to red light therapy and it’s a great addition to any self care routine, especially while you are pregnant.

Beef Liver Supplements– This pregnancy instead of traditional prenatal vitamins I have focused on a more nutrient based diet with all natural supplements. One in particular are these beef liver supplements. I know, it may sound crazy but there are truly SO many benefits for anyone to take these. Our cultures diets have been lacking the vital nutrients for so long and this is a great way to supplement them back in.

Shilajit Supplements– Another supplement I started taking. Shilajit comes from layers of rock in several mountain ranges throughout the world.It contains an important compound known as fulvic acid and is rich in minerals. Such a great supplement really for anyone to take!

Grass-Fed Collagen Protein– This is the collagen I take use within my morning smoothies, adrenal cocktails and so on.

Epsom Salt Baths– Something also apart of my nightly self care routine, is epsom salt baths. These baths help reduce pain and inflammation. Plus they are just super relaxing.



If you are a mama going through pregnancy just know I am cheering you on! As always, with any items used during pregnancy check with your doctor first.






Meet Tayler

A southern girl sharing life as a new mom, fashion, home, family and travel

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