My 27th Birthday Gratitude List

My 27th Birthday Gratitude List

My 27th Birthday Gratitude List

My 27th Birthday Gratitude List

My 27th Birthday Gratitude List

Sweater & Mama necklace: VICI ( use code TAYLER20 to receive 20% OFF)

Hello Darling!

I am officially 27! Oh my goodness, what a year 26 was! So many incredible milestones, memories, and dreams came true this past year. As I look back I am overwhelmed by Gods goodness and blessings. Each birthday I like to start the new year with a birthday gratitude list.  This list could truly go on and on but to celebrate my now 27 years of life I am excited to share 27 things I am most grateful for.

Birthday Gratitude List

1.First and foremost Jesus Christ

I am so grateful for my relationship with Jesus, His unending love, presence and guidance in my life. My life would not be the same without Him and the sacrifice He made on the cross so that I could have a relationship and life in Him.

2.My sweet Husband and best friend 

 Hunt truly is such a gift. We have now celebrate 8 of my birthdays together and each year becomes more special. I am so grateful God placed Him in my life as my husband.

3.The blessing of our sweet baby girl

It is so crazy to think that this is my last birthday as a family of two. I have dreamt of being a Momma my entire life and have prayed for this season for as long as I can remember. I can’t wait for her to be here!

4.My family

I know I am biased but I truly feel like I have been blessed with the best family in the WORLD! So grateful for healthy and happy relationships with them!

5.Our sweet Birdie girl

Oh this puppy, one of the sweet gifts from this past year. I can’t imagine life without her now. She truly is the best dog in the world and I can’t wait to see her as a big sister and protector to our baby girl.

6.Our incredible friends

Again, I know I am biased but we have been blessed with the best friends ever! I am thankful for healthy, happy and supportive friendships that feel like family.

7.Our church family

We have been serving and going to Bayou City Fellowship here in Houston for three years and I can’t express how grateful we are for this community. We have been apart of this church since the beginning of our marriage and they have seen us through so many milestones, and life changes. So grateful for their love and support always.

8.Opportunity to serve weekly

I have had the opportunity to serve at church on the worship team for the past three years and truly find it one of the biggest blessings!

9.Health & happiness  

So thankful and grateful for the blessing of health and happiness.

10.Our new home

So beyond grateful for our beautiful new home, Gods provision & opportunity to become home owners this past year.

11.The opportunity to travel to new places

Traveling is such a love of mine and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been able to travel so much this past year.

12.Support and love from family and friends

Without the support and love from friends and family I truly don’t know what we would do. We are blessed!

13.The growth and opportunity to continue to build my dream business

Getting to build such an amazing online business is a gift and blessing that will never be lost on me. I thank God every day for it!

14.Ability to grow business from home

I prayed for years to have the opportunity to work from home and I am grateful every day that I get to grow a business from the comfort of our home, allowing me to prepare and stay home with baby girl.

15.The opportunity to work and build relationships with old and new brands

Building relationships with brands is one of my favorite parts of what I do daily and I am so grateful for the old and new relationships built over this past year.

16.The opportunity to pursue my passions

I am grateful every day that I get to pursue my passions and creative dreams.

17.The opportunity to contribute financially

Building a business can be scary but I am BEYOND grateful I have the opportunity to contribute financially for our family.

18.Getting to watch my sister marry her best friend

This past year was such a sweet time getting to watch my sister marry her best friend. Memories we will hold dear forever!

19.The blessing and opportunity to live in a free country
20.The freedom to worship, pray, and read the Bible. 
21.The opportunity to learn and grow into who God has made me to be daily

His is grace is more than I deserve. I am thankful to have a new start each day to grow into who He has made me to be.

22.Healthy pregnancy

I am so grateful for a healthy pregnancy. Having had so many doctors tell us that it would be a hard road to pregnancy and now being blessed with not just a pregnancy but a healthy one at that, we feel so grateful!

23.The blessing of meeting new friend and building new relationships
24.Getting to celebrate so many milestones with close friends

The older we get the more milestone and special moments we have been able to experience with those we love most. I am so grateful to have been able to experience so many of those this past year.

25.This new season of life

As we prep for baby, I am so grateful for the transition of a new season it has brought

26.This incredible online community on

I don’t think I could ever put into words how grateful I am truly am for YOU! Because of your love, and support I get to do what I love daily and continue to build this incredible online community! I am SO SO grateful!


This past year truly was so incredible and I can’t wait to see all that God is going to do in this new year of life. If you are celebrating a birthday soon, I encourage you to make a gratitude list. It is such a wonderful way to be reminded of all the blessing around you.



Meet Tayler

A southern girl sharing life as a new mom, fashion, home, family and travel

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